Saturday, December 1, 2007


I've known this guy since he had more hair atop his head than on his face. Fisher ain't who he is, it's what he does.


This wolf hangs from my rearview.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Himalayan white birches.
What can I say? RoboChicken with Elvis pompadour.
Glad I caught this graffito when I did -- it is now
very faded. Curse the UV Rays! Curse them!
This guy is simply one of the smartest marketing minds I've
ever known. I've worked with him on many projects and he's
always bang on with strategy, tactics and execution. Especially
well-versed in online marketing.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Even bigger megapixels

These are taken with an LG 8600 Chocolate 1.3 mp camera

Not sure what the futz is going on around the edges of these fotos -- probably has to do with the phone case. The first is of the waterfront near where we live. The other is of the significant other of the we who live here. Figure it out... it is grammatically okay.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

It's That Shot!

Ah, GW, here attempting, I believe, what we in the arcane game of English Pocket Billiards call "A Ustinov". With a little checking, you might find out what I mean by this.